Shyam Nandan Rai

Shyam Nandan Rai

PhD in Artificial Intelligence

VANDAL, Politecnico di Torino, Italy


CiaoπŸ‘‹!! I am a first-year ELLIS doctoral student in the VANDAL lab at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Caputo and co-supervision of Prof. Zeynep Akata. My current areas of interest lie in the amalgamation of semantic segmentation, open-world detection, and federated learning.

I completed my master at IIIT Hyderabad, where I was under the joint supervision of Prof. C.V. Jawahar, Prof. Vineeth N Balasubramanian, and Dr. Anbumani Subramanian on the problems of image restoration in adverse weather conditions. Previously, I was an undergrad honors student at IIIT, Sricity, where I worked on the problems related to Cartoon Image Understanding in collaboration with Prof C.V. Jawahar and Prof. Anand Mishra.


  • Semantic Segmentation
  • Open World Segmentation
  • Image Restoration
  • Generative Adverserial Network


  • PhD in Artificial Intelligence

    VANDAL, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

  • M.S. (Research) in Computer Science, 2020

    CVIT, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad

  • B.Tech (Hons.) in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2017

    Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City


FLUID: Few-Shot Self-Supervised Image Deraining (WACV 2022)

Self-supervised methods have shown promising results in denoising and dehazing tasks, where the collection of the paired dataset is …
FLUID: Few-Shot Self-Supervised Image Deraining (WACV 2022)

IIIT-CFW: A Benchmark Database of Cartoon Faces in the Wild (ECCVW 2016)

The IIIT-CFW is database for the cartoon faces in the wild. It is harvested from Google image search.
IIIT-CFW: A Benchmark Database of Cartoon Faces in the Wild (ECCVW 2016)

Learning To Generate Atmospheric Turbulent Images (NCVPRIPG 2020)

We train a generative adversarial network which outputs an atmospheric turbulent image by utilizing less computational resources than traditional methods.
Learning To Generate Atmospheric Turbulent Images (NCVPRIPG 2020)

Munich-to-Dubai: How far is it for Semantic Segmentation ? (WACV 2020)

Cities having hot weather conditions results in geometrical distortion, thereby adversely affecting the performance of semantic segmentation model. In this work, we study the problem of semantic segmentation model in adapting to such hot climate cities.
Munich-to-Dubai: How far is it for Semantic Segmentation ? (WACV 2020)

ORDER: Open World Object Detection on Road Scenes (NurIPSw 2021)

Object detection is a key component in autonomous navigation systems that enables localization and classification of the objects in a …
ORDER: Open World Object Detection on Road Scenes (NurIPSw 2021)



Detecting misalignment in CAD images

Developed an interactive computer vision application using Qt and Opencv, to detect misalignment in CAD Images.

Facial Expression Recognition

We used pre-trained model VGG Face for extracting features and used SVM for classification with different kernels. In addition, we used a unified model which fuses the CNN features and HOG feature giving higher accuracy than other models.

Gender Identification from Facial Images

Implemented different feature based methods to identify gender from facial images. Extended the method to cross modal gender identification between the real face and its cartoon and caricature modalities.

Image Quality Assessment

Method for designing high level features for photo quality assessment.

LRR Network for Semantic Segmentation

Multi-scale architecture based on a laplacian pyramid approach to improve semantic segmentation.

Multi Agent Diverse Generative Adversarial Networks

Implementation of MAD-GAN which addresses the problem of mode collapse.

Reading Comprehension

Posed reading comprehension as a sentence classification task. Instead of sequential models, we used CNN models for classification and extended to a siamese variation using contrastive loss.

Relationship between Music & Personality

Objective of this project is to find a strong correlation between personality of an individual and their music preferences.

Twin Auxiliary Classifier GAN

Implementation of Twin Auxiliary Classifiers Generative Adversarial Net (TAC-GAN) which significantly improves the diversity of class-conditional image generation.



Research Fellow

Vision and Mobility, CVIT

Aug 2020 – Aug 2021 Hyderabad, India

AI/ML mentor

MLL Lab-IIITH|Talentsprint

Oct 2017 – Jul 2021 Hyderabad, India

Research Assistant

CVIT, IIIT-Hyderabad

Jul 2016 – Jul 2020 Hyderabad, India

Computer Vision Intern

RTC, Robert Bosch

May 2016 – Jul 2016 Bangalore, India